Wonderful Saturday morning.. Weather was fantastic, sunny and windy, met up with my funny group of friends at Changi Hawker at 9am, I was late a little, still, I am not the latest in the group..
My last week posting was about selling off my old G10 camera and planning to get a new Olympus Pen, but, after a long decision at the camera shop, I made up my mind and bought a RED Panasonic GF1, I love the lens very much compare to Olympus EP1 pancake lens, it really give a very nice focus shoot..
Blue Bump Boat
Quiet Lake

It's just the right time to buy this camera and I brought to the Ubin trip for some scenery shooting, still learning a lot about this camera, always try out different mood for different shooting, example food, beach, buildings and portrait shoot. Weisian and Byron brought their camera too, we are the main photographer of the whole trip.. :) nice.
Chek Jawa House

The 2 VERY serious cyclist

Besides taking photos, I enjoy this cycling trip a lot, though I had not cycle for very long time but picking up is still quite manageable for me, didn't take me a long time ;) me and my friends had also invited my colleague Barry for this cycling trip, he told me he likes the place very much and maybe would plan to run at Ubin one day.. Susan was funny through out the trip, we tease her that she won't get lost because we can always hear her scream, haha.. funny.

Is almost 3.30pm, we were all tired and is time to return our bike back to the shop near the jetty. After this we found a nearby coffee shop and sit down to have some chill out, is really a chill out!! cold beers, 100plus, tibits, china apple juice and all look so relax especially Susan.. Left Ubin at 430pm back to Changi hawker, took lunch and dinner coz I missed my lunch today. After this, Freddie, Charmane and Michael left for BBQ and I head home and rest..
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